Meetnetten Belgie

veldwerk monitoring ecologie

Meetnetten België The Flemish government wants to collect high-quality information about a number of priority plant and animal species by means of monitoring networks. These species must be reported to Europe in the context of the Habitats and Birds Directives, but also other species that are important for Flemish nature policy. Data is collected in […]



Long Distance Bird Migration tracking Within a collaboration of “Vogelwerkgroep Het Gooi” and “Vogelringstation De Haar”,  I am part of the study of the migration routes of Common Reed Warbler and Marsh Warbler with the use of Geolocators. More about this project Other Experience Raptor Ringing Read more Oosterwold Read more Geolocator research Read more […]

Geluidsmonitoring van soorten

Male Bullfinch singing

Acoustic Monitoring We Developed BlackBirdBox, a fully automatic system in a box which uses a sensitive microphone and AI for automatic sound based monitoring. Artificial intelligence is used to scan live recordings and pulls out and immediately identifies distinct sounds and phrases and determines which species it is. In the near future this system will also […]

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Ecological scientific research

Scientific Publications Ornithological Peer-reviewed Wouter M.G. Vansteelant, Jasper Wehrmann, Dries Engelen, Johannes Jansen, Brecht Verhelst, Rafa Benjumea, Simon Cavaillès, Triin Kaasiku, Bart Hoekstra & Folkert de Boer. (2020) Accounting for differential migration strategies between age groups to monitor raptor population dynamics in the eastern Black Sea flyway. Ibis 162(2): 356-372. Jasper Wehrmann, Folkert de Boer, […]

Batumi Raptor Count

Batumi Raptor Count Batumi Raptor Count, or BRC, is a nature conservation NGO that works to monitor and conserve the 1,000,000+ birds of prey that migrate every autumn through the Batumi Bottleneck. I was heavily involved in the development of this project from 2012 until 2021, as a counter, board member and as president. A […]