With the municipality of Utrecht we launched Luistervink, a website on bird sounds in the parks of Utrecht. Go see Other Experience Read more Nature Photography Read more Standardized monitoring Read more Laad meer

Nature Photography Nature photography is another one of my passions. The art of digital photography that embodies the beauty of our natural world. If you are in need of a captivating photo, either from a stunning bird, a close up of a specific insect, or any natural subject at all, I can make it. I have also […]

Nature in Oosterwold Oosterwold is a revolutionary green neighbourhood, build from the principles of organic urban growth, stimulating initiatives by which inhabitants can create their own neighbourhoods including public green, energy supply, water management, waste management, urban agriculture and infrastructure. With my wife and kids, I build our own home in Oosterwold. I also carried […]
Klokhuis Aflevering over Roofvogelonderzoek

Klokhuis Episode on Raptor Research Raptor workgroup”Gooi en Vechtstreek” focuses on research on birds of prey. We look for birds of prey, especially during the breeding season. In (early) spring, courtship birds are followed, their nests are found and we try to get a picture of the course of the breeding process. When possible, eggs […]